Block signal diorama base

Now I'm going to build the diorama base. I started with a 6" length piece of 8" PVC pipe left over from our pool installation to build the base for the Pueblo line block signals. I used two coats of Kilz to prime the outside of the pipe and then painted the top and sides a CTC machine green color using a custom mix oil-based paint. The green will complement the scenery colors. I noticed little hairs came off the roller I used to paint the green. I need to experiment on how to remove them which may require another coat of green.

The scenery base is a piece of 1" foam board insulation as seen below. I measured, marked, and then used an electric jigsaw to make short work cutting out the base. It fits perfectly in the tube. 


In this image I'm test fitting the foam, checking what level looks like and then trying to decide how much I want the foam to stick up above - or not the side of the PVC pipe. I want the foam to stick above the pipe to allow for scenery contours above and below. I'll use Missouri Pacific diagrams to determine how much

I made a template for the Mopac roadbed using the MOW diagrams as a reference. I want to include a pole for the telegraph pole line so I can have wiring running from the pole to the signal cabinet. Below I'm testing the template for fit.

 I have drawn the template on to the foam. For reference: purple is the track; dotted line is the ballast; solid line is the formed roadbed; yellow dots are the center of the signals; black dot is the center of the foam.

Here I'm testing the fit of the signals and comparing how it looks to the track.

Now I'm comparing it how the scene will look like with a locomotive. I'm using a Larry Byers image showing a different signal on the same section of railroad as comparison. The signals will sit lower once the terrain is completed.

In this image below previously shown in the blog you can see how the foam was contoured to develop terrain and then painted. For this diorama the terrain won't be so extreme, but it'll have the roadbed contour and hopefully some raised terrain for the telegraph pole line. I think I can make it all fit.

My next projects will be painting and detailing the track. Carving the foam base and painting it a earth color. Then I'll attach the foam base to the PVC pipe and move on to adding scenery like static grass and ballast. 

One idea I'm trying to adopt is something Clark Propst (AKA Mr. Speedy Quick) posted of doing something every day - even if you only have 15 minutes. That way projects stay fresh and get completed. He is a prolific builder of freight cars and other models and his model railroad is well done.


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