Line Poles

 I started work on the line pole that will feed the block signals. I couldn't remember what the prototype line poles looked like exactly so I looked a few period images to give a rough estimate. This is what I built. Unfortunately I guessed wrong at the insulator colors and luckily I needed to go back and take a few measurements and photos of the prototype, I was able to then try again and make a line pole that is a close representation of the prototype.

Prototype images.

The Actual line pole that fed the block signal I am building. Not much left of it. 

So I traveled to a different signal and used it as an example for my model.

This is a line pole next to the line pole that fed the block signal I'm building. You can see the glass insulators on the top arm and then the brown and white ones on the second cross arm. The bottom of the metal brace on the cross arm is only 12 feet off the ground.

I used Tamiya Park Green spray paint for the glass insulators and then used Polly Scale Clear gloss brushed on them to give them a glass look to them. 

 I used Tamiya Linoleum Deck Brown with the Polly Scale Clear gloss for the brown insulators and then Tamiya Insignia White (US Navy) for the white insulators (plus the clear gloss coat). 

This is the final product. The top cross arm has glass insulators and the bottom has brown and white insulators. I made the various drops to the block signal cabinet out of scrape styrene painted with the Tamiya Linoleum Deck Brown. Detail Associates .012 brass wire painted rail brown was used as a brace between the ends of the double cross arm. 


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